New Moon Soundbath on the Water

Kulturschiff Paula at Rummelsburg Lake Friedrich-Junge-Straße, Berlin, Germany

Zarahlena, Ashes from The Void (bass in Machukha) and Mykola Lebed invite you to embark on a meditative journey as we perform live on a boat during the first new moon of autumn, combining the resonant tones of a bass guitar, a saxophone and the vibrations of a gong with the gentle ambience of floating on water.

16$ – 20$

Mystische Perlen der Meditation [DEU]

Yoga Labor Berlin Wilhelminenhofstraße 92, Berlin, Germany

Gestalte deine eigene Meditationskette (Mala) und lerne ihre Bedeutung und Anwendung zur Meditation (Japa Mala).

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